The Wolf Pack Presents
Movies • Writing • Television
The official Locals home of The Wolf Pack Presents podcasts, horror commentaries, writings, horror discussion, and horror hosting. If you like classic and modern horror we your go to.
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My friend, Sydney Watson, just started a tea company and I'd like to invite you to check her company out. Her teas are really high quality. She has a sample box that you can get with all four of her current tea flavors...

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William Pattison's Review of The Habit's Rainbow Shake

Welcome to The Wolf Pack Presents. We are providers of horror host movie shows and horror discussion shows. We also host audiobooks and commentaries. We have been doing this since 2005 and still going...
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I just made an advancement in my quest for independence in my recuperation. I know many of you will feel it's no big deal, that I'm making a lot out of nothing. For me this was a great victory.
Today my leg was feeling like it was starting to cramp up. My sister was napping because she has been stressed and stress sleeps.
Anyway I pushed myself up and managed to stand up using my walker. I stood and the pressure on my legs stopped the cramping. I stepped over and hooked my half full urinal to my walker. Also I grabbed a reusable shopping bag and attached that to the walker as well.
Then I walked to the bathroom and dumped and cleaned the urinal. Then I walked back to the living room. That is it, but it is far more than I could do yesterday. Now my sister doesn't have to dump my urinal and now with the bag attached I to put things in it and move them around using my walker. That is a lot to me. I don't feel helpless anymore. I can carry things...

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